Thursday, May 3, 2007

Report No.
Unclassified 0202

Case background info:

In 2005, cancer, stroke and cardiovascular diseases together accounted for approximately 60% of the total causes of death in Singapore. These diseases share many common risk factors such as smoking, obesity, physical inactivity and alcohol consumption.

However, the number one killer in Singapore is undeniably cancer.

(Suicide is also one of the top killers among Singaporean teens but this is irrelevant.)



Processed meat

Nearly all processed meats are made with sodium nitrite: breakfast sausage, hot dogs, jerkies, bacon, lunch meat, and even meats in canned soup products. Sodium Nitrite is a precursor to highly carcinogenic nitrosamines -- potent cancer-causing chemicals that accelerate the formation and growth of cancer cells throughout the body. When consumers eat sodium nitrite in popular meat products, nitrosamines are formed in the body where they promote the growth of various cancers, including colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Sodium nitrite is a dangerous, cancer-causing ingredient that has no place in the human food supply but the meat industry still uses sodium nitrite to sell more meat products.


Ha, well no bloody likely.

Sodium nitrite is especially dangerous to fetuses, infants and children. Expectant mothers are warned to avoid consuming sodium nitrite due to the greatly heightened risk of brain tumors in infants. Parents are also warned to avoid feeding their children products that contain sodium nitrite, including all popular hot dogs, bacon, jerkies, breakfast sausages and pizzas made with pepperoni or other processed meats.

Sadly,nearly all school canteens sell schoolchildren meat products containing sodium nitrite. Hospital cafeterias also serve this cancer-causing ingredient to patients. Sodium nitrite is found in literally thousands of different menu items at fast food restaurants and dining establishments.

It's everywhere you are.
And this is what you are putting in your mouth, almost everyday.
Well, see you soon at the Cancer Ward!=)

{ i was alone at 8:12 AM}

Friday, April 27, 2007

Report No: 0080ND

Medical person: Prof Zeng :)

The Subject: Instant Noodles

Sent to: ANYONE :)

What it is:

- A money-saving food!! You could just cook a packet of it for lunch or dinner for just around 50 cents (or less!), whereas eating out is like $4 plus. AND there is a large selection to choose from: chicken, beef, mee goreng................................(the list goes on and on and on and on and on :))

- Actually, packs of brick-like curlicues morph into long, rubbery noodles in a salty soup base in just five minutes- yup, its instant.

- May also be consumed raw from the packet, as the noodles are already cooked, usually by FRYING using OIL

- Often named: Junk Food.

- Normally for people who can't cook, well, like me, and those who are trying to save money.

Nutritional Facts in 1 packet 100g

Calories: 453 ALOT!!!

Calories from fats: 150
Amount Per Serving

Calories 453.1 kcal
Calories 1896 kj
Carbohydrates 65.5 g
Calories from Carbohydrates 255.45 kcal
% Calories from Carbohydrates 56.38 %
Fat 17.1 g
Calories from Fat 150.48 kcal
% Calories from Fat 33.21 %
Monounsaturated Fat 6.45 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.024 g
Protein 9.3 g
Calories from Protein 38.13 kcal
% Calories from Protein 8.42 %
Saturated Fat 7.63 g
Ash 3.4 g
FA 8:0 Caprylic 0.009 g
FA 10:0 Capric 0.009 g
FA 12:0 Lauric 0.075 g
FA 14:0 Myristic 0.171 g
FA 14:1 Myristoleic 0.009 g
FA 15:0 Pentadecanoic 0.01 g
FA 16:0 Palmitic 6.556 g
FA 16:1 Palmitoleic 0.029 g
FA 17:0 Heptadecanoic 0.01 g
FA 18:0 Stearic 0.766 g
FA 18:1 Oleic 6.383 g
FA 18:2 Linoleic 0.976 g
FA 18:3 Linolenic 0.038 g
FA 20:0 Arachidic 0.058 g
FA 20:1 Gadoleic 0.038 g
FA 20:4 Arachidonic 0.01 g
FA 22:0 Behenic 0.01 g
Iron, Fe 4.27 mg
Sodium, Na 1160 mg
Water 4.7 g


ITS VERY VERY BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW LEH??????

1) The Salty Mee

Instant Noodles contain MSG!!!

That is monosodium glutamate, also called ajinomoto, accent and vetsin. It enhances the flavour of the noodles, so that it will taste so nice that you will buy more and more.

Guess what? It is 60% sodium- It is just practically SALT!! Too much salt will cause a hypertension environment in the body which results in higher blood pressures which may lead to stroke and even heart attacks! And normally you boil the ingredients in the powder with MSG in it while cooking the instant noodles. This will change the molecular structures of the MSG causing it to be toxic.

AND Its dehydrates the body. That's why you normally feel very thirsty after eating something cooked with MSG in it.

random thought: I know cooks put MSG in the food to save money to buy stuff to give the food its taste. BUT. Do you think that they knew the customers are going to get very thirsty after consuming the food, SO they purposely put it in so they can profit on drinks too?? heheheee... randomness

Anyways, its bad!!! You may get so dehydrated that you can fall ill very easily because of the lack of water in your body. :(

Also, people who are allergic to it will get burning sensations, chest and facial flushing, or pain and headaches

2) The Fired Fried Fatty Mee

The noodles are fried in the manufacturing process resulting in high levels of saturated fats and/or trans fats (depending on the type of oil used). This leads to chronic heart diseases caused by the increase of LDL levels.

However, it may even contain interesterified fats. They are oils that have been genetically modified, like soybean oil, to make them more solid, less liable to go rancid and more stable for things like deep frying. They replace partially hydrogenated oils.

Interesterified fats fats may raise blood sugar levels higher than saturated fats and lower HDL even more than trans fats because of the genetic modification of the stearic acid in the molecules. The stearic acid is placed in the middle fatty-acid position on a fat molecule, so it is not as easily metabolized.

This leads to even more severe heart diseases, and maybe diabetes (??)!!!

Read more shocking news at:

3) The waxy mee

YUP. Instant noodles contain WAX. They are coated with wax to help them retain the noodle's nice curly-wurly shape. Also it helps preserve the noodles for a longer time in its packet and the noodles can be kept together in a nice brick-like shape.

The wax will be melted when you boil the noodles so the noodles can get soften by the hot water.

This wax takes about 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete out after comsumption of the noodles. AND the killer: the wax may even cause cancer!!!!


4) The Junk Mee

Instant noodles is only rich in carbohydrates because of the noodles, BUT extremely low in vitamins, minerals and fibre, sometimes even none!!!

It can cause obesity you know?

If consumed in large amounts, there will be a lot of carbs from the many packets of instant noodles, making people fat. :(

So why make yourself fat over something that you can't even benefit from?


Still want to stock up on instant noodles?????!!!


{ i was alone at 8:51 AM}

Monday, April 23, 2007

Thai Tomyan Noodle Commercial :)

Tying in with Georgina's entry regarding Instant Noodles :)

{ i was alone at 7:07 AM}

Saturday, April 21, 2007

:) macdonalds again.

{ i was alone at 9:00 AM}

next time you want to eat macdonalds fries.. think again :)

{ i was alone at 8:55 AM}

In Hot (Canned) Soup.

surprise surprise! i bet you're wondering now "but how can soup be considered very unhealthy!?"

ah HA! let me explain.

Taking the Nutritional Values of a normal can of Cream Of Mushroom...

Serving Size 1/2 cup (125.0 g)
Amount Per Serving
Calories 70
Calories from Fat 23
Total Fat 2.5g
Saturated Fat 0.5g
Sodium 1230mg (!!! Craaazy)
Total Carbohydrates 10.0g
Sugars 3.0g
Protein 3.0g
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 4%
Iron 2%
* Based on a 2000 calorie diet

dietary guidelines recommend consuming no more than 2,400 milligrams of sodium for the entire day.

whoohoo! and normally, some people might drink 2-3 servings a day because they really love soup. Sodiumis is essential to our body’s functioning. It helps transmit nerve impulses, makes your muscles work and maintains the proper balance of body fluids. However, over intake of Sodium can give rise to high blood pressure and hypertension!

What more, canned soup contains a high amount of Trans Fats )):

all this talk about trans fats, what is really so bad about trans fats anyway?
well, consumption of too much trans fats can increase the risks of (1) Coronary heart diseases, the diseases that the deceased policeman (from the doughnut entry) suffered from. Consumption of large about of trans fats may also lead to (2) prostate Cancer, (3)diabetes, (4)obesity

, (5)Liver Dysfunction and ...
(6) greater risk of ovulatory infertility. [ read more about it HERE ]
I want children. better not risk eating too much trans fats from now on man!!!

whats quite funny is..

canned soup does not only affect the woman. nono, it affects the MEN too.

BPA-containing resins are a common ingredient in the linings of canned goods.• BPA is a known estrogen mimicker, and can cause hormone-disrupting effects, toxicity or even neurotoxicity, low sperm counts and cancer.

imagine if the human race were to be depleted due to our generations over intake of CANNED SOUP - that will be a sad moment. ):

One in three servings of canned food is enough to show that the BPA levels is enough to cause harm in animal testing.


(btw, i am highly against animal testing, yet i'm trying to rationalise. what will scientists use as test subjects if they didn't use animals? children? maybe those less fortunate would sell their children to be laboratory test subjects? this fustrates me for some reason which i myself am not sure of!)

So remember, dont take canned soup :)

Red is the colour of Love and Trans Fats + High Sodium Levels

{ i was alone at 7:34 AM}

NASI LEMAK IS YUMMY! :D i loveee nasi lemak, but nasi lemak is unhealthy :(((


The Accused: Nasi Lemak


-weight: 210g (1 serving)

-troubled childhood

-> suffered from schizophrenia (thought it was a chicken, rice, egg etc.)


-distributing unauthorised nutrients- Freaky And Terrible Substances(FATS)

->7.6g of saturated fat, 76mg of cholesterol, 4.2g of monounsaturated fat, 1.3g of polyunsaturated fat

-being too fat. (total fat-14g)

Victim: Ah Beng

Ah Beng: This Nasi Lemak ah, knows that i everytime go to my favourite coffeeshop, so everytime i go ah, the nasi lemak always come and make me eat it, so everytime i eat i get fatter. Then last week ah, when i go to see my doctor for my medical checkup, doctor say i got high blood pressure leh! and some more say i too fat already, my dunno what BMI is in the unhealthy range. Then when i go home, my girlfriend say i too fat so she breakup with me. Then i very sad. So when i think ah, then i think that it was the Nasi Lemak that make me so miserable lah, so i very angry. Then thats why i accuse it.

Nasi Lemak: I did not! i just asked you whether you wanted to eat me! i did not force you in any way.

Ah Beng: But then you say that if i dont eat you, you will eat me! You go see the surveillance camera thing lah! got record okay.


Judge Sarah: All evidence points against you. However, seeing your previous mental health records, instead of the death sentence, i will give you a lifetime jail term.


Ah Beng: Ah, thank you ah. Now i go exercise so i dont become fat fat anymore.
err okay...


{ i was alone at 7:22 AM}