Friday, April 27, 2007

Report No: 0080ND

Medical person: Prof Zeng :)

The Subject: Instant Noodles

Sent to: ANYONE :)

What it is:

- A money-saving food!! You could just cook a packet of it for lunch or dinner for just around 50 cents (or less!), whereas eating out is like $4 plus. AND there is a large selection to choose from: chicken, beef, mee goreng................................(the list goes on and on and on and on and on :))

- Actually, packs of brick-like curlicues morph into long, rubbery noodles in a salty soup base in just five minutes- yup, its instant.

- May also be consumed raw from the packet, as the noodles are already cooked, usually by FRYING using OIL

- Often named: Junk Food.

- Normally for people who can't cook, well, like me, and those who are trying to save money.

Nutritional Facts in 1 packet 100g

Calories: 453 ALOT!!!

Calories from fats: 150
Amount Per Serving

Calories 453.1 kcal
Calories 1896 kj
Carbohydrates 65.5 g
Calories from Carbohydrates 255.45 kcal
% Calories from Carbohydrates 56.38 %
Fat 17.1 g
Calories from Fat 150.48 kcal
% Calories from Fat 33.21 %
Monounsaturated Fat 6.45 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.024 g
Protein 9.3 g
Calories from Protein 38.13 kcal
% Calories from Protein 8.42 %
Saturated Fat 7.63 g
Ash 3.4 g
FA 8:0 Caprylic 0.009 g
FA 10:0 Capric 0.009 g
FA 12:0 Lauric 0.075 g
FA 14:0 Myristic 0.171 g
FA 14:1 Myristoleic 0.009 g
FA 15:0 Pentadecanoic 0.01 g
FA 16:0 Palmitic 6.556 g
FA 16:1 Palmitoleic 0.029 g
FA 17:0 Heptadecanoic 0.01 g
FA 18:0 Stearic 0.766 g
FA 18:1 Oleic 6.383 g
FA 18:2 Linoleic 0.976 g
FA 18:3 Linolenic 0.038 g
FA 20:0 Arachidic 0.058 g
FA 20:1 Gadoleic 0.038 g
FA 20:4 Arachidonic 0.01 g
FA 22:0 Behenic 0.01 g
Iron, Fe 4.27 mg
Sodium, Na 1160 mg
Water 4.7 g


ITS VERY VERY BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW LEH??????

1) The Salty Mee

Instant Noodles contain MSG!!!

That is monosodium glutamate, also called ajinomoto, accent and vetsin. It enhances the flavour of the noodles, so that it will taste so nice that you will buy more and more.

Guess what? It is 60% sodium- It is just practically SALT!! Too much salt will cause a hypertension environment in the body which results in higher blood pressures which may lead to stroke and even heart attacks! And normally you boil the ingredients in the powder with MSG in it while cooking the instant noodles. This will change the molecular structures of the MSG causing it to be toxic.

AND Its dehydrates the body. That's why you normally feel very thirsty after eating something cooked with MSG in it.

random thought: I know cooks put MSG in the food to save money to buy stuff to give the food its taste. BUT. Do you think that they knew the customers are going to get very thirsty after consuming the food, SO they purposely put it in so they can profit on drinks too?? heheheee... randomness

Anyways, its bad!!! You may get so dehydrated that you can fall ill very easily because of the lack of water in your body. :(

Also, people who are allergic to it will get burning sensations, chest and facial flushing, or pain and headaches

2) The Fired Fried Fatty Mee

The noodles are fried in the manufacturing process resulting in high levels of saturated fats and/or trans fats (depending on the type of oil used). This leads to chronic heart diseases caused by the increase of LDL levels.

However, it may even contain interesterified fats. They are oils that have been genetically modified, like soybean oil, to make them more solid, less liable to go rancid and more stable for things like deep frying. They replace partially hydrogenated oils.

Interesterified fats fats may raise blood sugar levels higher than saturated fats and lower HDL even more than trans fats because of the genetic modification of the stearic acid in the molecules. The stearic acid is placed in the middle fatty-acid position on a fat molecule, so it is not as easily metabolized.

This leads to even more severe heart diseases, and maybe diabetes (??)!!!

Read more shocking news at:

3) The waxy mee

YUP. Instant noodles contain WAX. They are coated with wax to help them retain the noodle's nice curly-wurly shape. Also it helps preserve the noodles for a longer time in its packet and the noodles can be kept together in a nice brick-like shape.

The wax will be melted when you boil the noodles so the noodles can get soften by the hot water.

This wax takes about 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete out after comsumption of the noodles. AND the killer: the wax may even cause cancer!!!!


4) The Junk Mee

Instant noodles is only rich in carbohydrates because of the noodles, BUT extremely low in vitamins, minerals and fibre, sometimes even none!!!

It can cause obesity you know?

If consumed in large amounts, there will be a lot of carbs from the many packets of instant noodles, making people fat. :(

So why make yourself fat over something that you can't even benefit from?


Still want to stock up on instant noodles?????!!!


{ i was alone at 8:51 AM}

Monday, April 23, 2007

Thai Tomyan Noodle Commercial :)

Tying in with Georgina's entry regarding Instant Noodles :)

{ i was alone at 7:07 AM}

Saturday, April 21, 2007

:) macdonalds again.

{ i was alone at 9:00 AM}

next time you want to eat macdonalds fries.. think again :)

{ i was alone at 8:55 AM}

In Hot (Canned) Soup.

surprise surprise! i bet you're wondering now "but how can soup be considered very unhealthy!?"

ah HA! let me explain.

Taking the Nutritional Values of a normal can of Cream Of Mushroom...

Serving Size 1/2 cup (125.0 g)
Amount Per Serving
Calories 70
Calories from Fat 23
Total Fat 2.5g
Saturated Fat 0.5g
Sodium 1230mg (!!! Craaazy)
Total Carbohydrates 10.0g
Sugars 3.0g
Protein 3.0g
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 4%
Iron 2%
* Based on a 2000 calorie diet

dietary guidelines recommend consuming no more than 2,400 milligrams of sodium for the entire day.

whoohoo! and normally, some people might drink 2-3 servings a day because they really love soup. Sodiumis is essential to our body’s functioning. It helps transmit nerve impulses, makes your muscles work and maintains the proper balance of body fluids. However, over intake of Sodium can give rise to high blood pressure and hypertension!

What more, canned soup contains a high amount of Trans Fats )):

all this talk about trans fats, what is really so bad about trans fats anyway?
well, consumption of too much trans fats can increase the risks of (1) Coronary heart diseases, the diseases that the deceased policeman (from the doughnut entry) suffered from. Consumption of large about of trans fats may also lead to (2) prostate Cancer, (3)diabetes, (4)obesity

, (5)Liver Dysfunction and ...
(6) greater risk of ovulatory infertility. [ read more about it HERE ]
I want children. better not risk eating too much trans fats from now on man!!!

whats quite funny is..

canned soup does not only affect the woman. nono, it affects the MEN too.

BPA-containing resins are a common ingredient in the linings of canned goods.• BPA is a known estrogen mimicker, and can cause hormone-disrupting effects, toxicity or even neurotoxicity, low sperm counts and cancer.

imagine if the human race were to be depleted due to our generations over intake of CANNED SOUP - that will be a sad moment. ):

One in three servings of canned food is enough to show that the BPA levels is enough to cause harm in animal testing.


(btw, i am highly against animal testing, yet i'm trying to rationalise. what will scientists use as test subjects if they didn't use animals? children? maybe those less fortunate would sell their children to be laboratory test subjects? this fustrates me for some reason which i myself am not sure of!)

So remember, dont take canned soup :)

Red is the colour of Love and Trans Fats + High Sodium Levels

{ i was alone at 7:34 AM}

NASI LEMAK IS YUMMY! :D i loveee nasi lemak, but nasi lemak is unhealthy :(((


The Accused: Nasi Lemak


-weight: 210g (1 serving)

-troubled childhood

-> suffered from schizophrenia (thought it was a chicken, rice, egg etc.)


-distributing unauthorised nutrients- Freaky And Terrible Substances(FATS)

->7.6g of saturated fat, 76mg of cholesterol, 4.2g of monounsaturated fat, 1.3g of polyunsaturated fat

-being too fat. (total fat-14g)

Victim: Ah Beng

Ah Beng: This Nasi Lemak ah, knows that i everytime go to my favourite coffeeshop, so everytime i go ah, the nasi lemak always come and make me eat it, so everytime i eat i get fatter. Then last week ah, when i go to see my doctor for my medical checkup, doctor say i got high blood pressure leh! and some more say i too fat already, my dunno what BMI is in the unhealthy range. Then when i go home, my girlfriend say i too fat so she breakup with me. Then i very sad. So when i think ah, then i think that it was the Nasi Lemak that make me so miserable lah, so i very angry. Then thats why i accuse it.

Nasi Lemak: I did not! i just asked you whether you wanted to eat me! i did not force you in any way.

Ah Beng: But then you say that if i dont eat you, you will eat me! You go see the surveillance camera thing lah! got record okay.


Judge Sarah: All evidence points against you. However, seeing your previous mental health records, instead of the death sentence, i will give you a lifetime jail term.


Ah Beng: Ah, thank you ah. Now i go exercise so i dont become fat fat anymore.
err okay...


{ i was alone at 7:22 AM}

Sunday, April 15, 2007



Report no: FA 01

Submitted by: Prof Georgina :)

Submitted to: No one, unless any judge wants to cross-examine it

What It Is: Some brown crunchy thing that has macademia nuts and chocolate chips. And yes, it's yummy!!


See that cookie up there?? Jan gave a whole whopping 200grams of those to me on Saturday. THANKS JAN!!!!!!!!!! :D So, I spent... hmm... the whole Saturday munching on them, while doing homework, and my family couldn't resist either!

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! The famous amos cookies look so welcoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's me munching on the cookies- I JUST COULDN'T RESIST!! YUM YUM!! Jan, I loved it!!

hahahahaaa, but sorry, I just couldn't help examining it... :D

Nutrition Facts

- Serving Size 4 cookies (29g) Servings, Per Container about 2

Amount Per Serving
Calories 150
Calories from Fat 60
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 7g 11 % Saturated Fat 2.5g 13 %
Cholesterol less than 5mg 2 %
Sodium 100mg 4 %
Total Carbohydrate 20g 7 %
Dietary Fiber less than 1g 4 % Sugars 10g
Protein less than 2g
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 0%
Iron 4%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Calories: 2,000 2,500
Total Fat Less than 65g 80g
Sat Fat Less than 20g 25g
Cholesterol Less than 300mg 300mg
Sodium Less than 2,400mg 2,400mg
Total Carbohydrate 300g 375g
Dietary Fiber 25g 30g

Even though it is extremely yummy, it's also quite unhealthy you know?


1. The killer


a.k.a. Trans Fat >.<

no wonder it's so yummy.

Trans fat is normally used in making foods like cakes, cookies, crackers- well, basically any kind of yummy snack food. It is vegetable oil that has hydrogen added to it, to turn these liquid oils to solid fats like shortening and hard margarine. It raises low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad cholesterol," levels, while lowering levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL), known as "good" cholesterol, which increases the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD)- ITS HARMFUL!!

You can get heart diseases if you consume too much of it as it clogs the arteries, and you can get type 2 diabetes and many other health problems :(

Many food companies use trans fat instead of oil because it reduces cost, extends storage life of products and can improve flavor and texture- that means trans fats is almost EVERYWHERE!!! oh dear...

Food companies are not required to list it on nutrition labels so consumers had no way of knowing how much trans fat was in the food they were eating. Furthermore, there is no upper safety limit recommended for the daily intake of trans fat.

For more, see : see how you can reduce your intake!!!

2. The yummy but unhealthy

The cookies contain CHOCOLATE CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!

It contains 862 calories, 51.6 grams, 99 carbs- that's a alot. If eaten in large amounts, there would be an overaccumulation of fats in the body- You'll grow fatter, now isn't that HORRIBLE!!!?? Also, it contains saturated fats, which can lead to health problems like heart diseases.

And, population studies have observed and increase in certain cancers among people who regularly consume these sweet 'junk' foods- CHOCOLATE!! It causes acne too.. and has a high concentration in lead.

Furthermore, the worst thing is that it contains ALOT of sugar.

3. The sweet trap :)

It is high in sugar.

Which tooth decay and obesity.

TOOTH DECAY- Due to the introduction of sugar onto the tooth's surface and the pH at the surface of the tooth drops below 5.5- extremely acidic, de-mineralization proceeds faster than re-mineralization (a net loss of mineral structure occurs on the tooth's surface).

OBESITY- An increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and sugars but low in vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients causes obesity. But of course, that's only if you don't exercise enough!!!!

Diabetes???- Well, it doesn't really cause diabetes, but it does adversely affect people with diabetes. Diabetes occur when body cells ignore insulin released into the bloodstream, or when the body attacks cells that produce insulin. Insulin plays an important role in taking sugar molecules into the cell for fuel. This causes glucose build-up in the bloodstream that can cause the body's cells to become starved of energy, and can damage many of the bodies organs, including the eyes, kidneys, nerves and/or heart. So.... Sugar would aggravate the problem. :)


Famous Amos.

Guilty or Not?

You decide.


Its yummy what....

{ i was alone at 5:46 AM}

Saturday, April 14, 2007


The accused: Mcdonald's French Fries aka MFF

Crime: Tempting people into eating it

Background of the accused:

-was a potato at birth

- has a glycaemic index of 75 (this means that it raises your blood sugar really fast)

-contains acrylamide (exposure to large doses can cause damage to the male reproductive glands. [HAHAHA.] Direct exposure to pure acrylamide by inhalation, skin absorption, or eye contact irritates the exposed mucous membranes, e.g. the nose, and can also cause sweating, urinary incontinence, nausea, myalgia, speech disorders, numbness, paresthesia, and weakened legs and hands. In addition, the acrylamide monomer is a potent neurotoxin. Acrylamide reliably produces various types of cancer in experimental mice and rats. However, studies in human populations have failed to produce consistent results, and it remains unclear whether this is due to a reduced risk in a natural setting or the methodological difficulties inherent in such studies.)

-one McDonald's large fries contains 8g of trans fat

MFF: You can't blame me! I didn't ask to be invented or marketed! I have a list of the people you can accuse, just don't blame me for all the fats that are going around.

Private and Confidential: MFF's List of People Who Should Be Blamed

-The chef who first discovered the process of double-frying potatoes (this makes fries crisp on the outside and fluffy inside) in the 1890s

-The American soldiers who returned from the trenches of World War One and asked their wives to cook French fries (this created a market for deep-fat fryers).

-The McDonald brothers-Dick and Mac who reopened their fast-food diner in San Bernardino, California with and idea of removing everything on the menu that required the use of utensils. Their business boomed as people drove a long way for their hamburgers fries and milkshakes. They sold so many milkshakes that they had ordered 10 Prince Castle Multi-Mixer machines to help them mix many milkshakes simultaneously.

-The 52 yr old salesman for the Prince Castle Company-Ray Croc who went to work with the McDonalds and went on to buy out their name and methods, building an empire. He and his team perfected the method of curing potatoes in a warehouse, so that some of the starch in the potatoes would turn into sugar (this causes them to turn a lovely golden brown when fried).

-The greatest potato baron in history-J.R. Simplot of Idaho. After World War II he hired a team of chemists to research the concept of frozen potatoes and discovered that French fries, which needed to be cooked twice, could be frozen between the first cooking and the second which meant that fries no longer need to be fully prepared on site. (In 1965 Ray Croc agreed to let him provide McDonald's with frozen French fries).

-The great mastermind of supersizing-David Wallerstein, a Mcdonald's executive in the 1970s. While managing cinemas in the 1960s he discovered that he could increase profits by offering bigger servings of popcorn and proposed the idea to Ray Croc. Ray Croc only agreed after he was convinced by David claiming that people would rather buy one big bag than two smaller bags as they do not want to look like gluttons. This caused the serving portions of McDonald's fries to grow from: 1960 regular serving-68g, 200 calories. to now large portion-160g, 450 calories.

Judge Sarah: I'm sorry. All the people you have listed are already dead, or too old to be convicted for such crimes. Therefore do you plead guilty and accept all responsibilities pertaining to this case?

MFF: Yes.

Judge Sarah: You are sentenced to spend a lifetime in jail, for causing obesity, tempting people and indirectly killing humans.

Evidence was taken from: Reader's Digest March 2007 "Why Do Fries Taste Sooo Good?pg 66-67


{ i was alone at 7:14 AM}

Saturday, April 7, 2007

hello there. im back again for another fatified entry.

it's 1.31 pm after lunch. i had a slice of bread and ham.

but for dessert, i had nian gao and guess what else? approximately 500g worth of icecream cake!!!! :D:D:D:D yums ( mom's going to kill me again :P )

this binging thing from the beginning of the year til now has allowed me to grow taller HAHA (and, sadly, fatter too).

but what exactly is in icecream? and why do people say cream is bad?

according to, the defnition of cream is:

" a dairy product that is composed of the higher-butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization. In un-homogenized milk, over time, the lighter fat rises to the top. In the industrial production of cream this process is accelerated by using centrifuges called "separators". In many countries, cream is sold in several grades depending on total butterfat content. Cream can be dried to a powder for shipment to distant markets.
Cream produced by cows grazing on natural pasture often contains some natural carotenoid pigments derived from the plants they eat; this gives the cream a slight yellow tone, hence the name of the yellowish-white colour cream. Cream from cows fed indoors, on grain or grain-based pellets, is white."

there are different types of cream! :)

Modern industrially produced ice cream is made from a mixture of ingredients:
Minimum of 10% milk fat
9-12% milk solids: this component, also known as the serum solids, contains the proteins and carbohydrates found in milk
12-16% sweeteners: usually a combination of sucrose and/or glucose-based corn syrup sweeteners
0.2-0.5% stabilizers and emulsifiers, e.g. agar or carrageenan extracted from seaweed
55%-64% water which comes from milk solids or other ingredients

tell you something cool. Cheaper icecream use stabilizers rather than cream and the incorporation of air also decrease the fat and energy content of less expensive ice creams, hahaha. so maybe cheaper icecreams are better than the expensive ones, for example ben and jerrys.

wah, okay now i feel terrible. but its a good thing i scrapped off the cream before eating the icecream cake. hope i dont fail NAPFA after this. :P

{ i was alone at 10:29 PM}

Monday, April 2, 2007

I know this has nothing to do with biology, but check this out! :) its a terrace field of rice paddies in the Yunnan province of China.

so cool right? :)

haha. geography.

okay... lalala. sorry i'm really crazy after all that famous amos.

{ i was alone at 9:46 PM}

Sunday, April 1, 2007

BY THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best char kway teow in Singapore, according to Makansutra, is:

Outram Park Fried Kway Teow
Address: Blk 531A Up Cross St. #02-18 Hong Lim Market and Cooked Food Centre
Operating Hours: 7am to 4.30pm, closed on sunday and public holidays

should be good... :)

but remember the fats you're loading up with every plate :D

{ i was alone at 2:03 AM}