Thursday, May 3, 2007

Report No.
Unclassified 0202

Case background info:

In 2005, cancer, stroke and cardiovascular diseases together accounted for approximately 60% of the total causes of death in Singapore. These diseases share many common risk factors such as smoking, obesity, physical inactivity and alcohol consumption.

However, the number one killer in Singapore is undeniably cancer.

(Suicide is also one of the top killers among Singaporean teens but this is irrelevant.)



Processed meat

Nearly all processed meats are made with sodium nitrite: breakfast sausage, hot dogs, jerkies, bacon, lunch meat, and even meats in canned soup products. Sodium Nitrite is a precursor to highly carcinogenic nitrosamines -- potent cancer-causing chemicals that accelerate the formation and growth of cancer cells throughout the body. When consumers eat sodium nitrite in popular meat products, nitrosamines are formed in the body where they promote the growth of various cancers, including colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Sodium nitrite is a dangerous, cancer-causing ingredient that has no place in the human food supply but the meat industry still uses sodium nitrite to sell more meat products.


Ha, well no bloody likely.

Sodium nitrite is especially dangerous to fetuses, infants and children. Expectant mothers are warned to avoid consuming sodium nitrite due to the greatly heightened risk of brain tumors in infants. Parents are also warned to avoid feeding their children products that contain sodium nitrite, including all popular hot dogs, bacon, jerkies, breakfast sausages and pizzas made with pepperoni or other processed meats.

Sadly,nearly all school canteens sell schoolchildren meat products containing sodium nitrite. Hospital cafeterias also serve this cancer-causing ingredient to patients. Sodium nitrite is found in literally thousands of different menu items at fast food restaurants and dining establishments.

It's everywhere you are.
And this is what you are putting in your mouth, almost everyday.
Well, see you soon at the Cancer Ward!=)

{ i was alone at 8:12 AM}